Wanna do some Freescan Log analysis!?

Well, you've come to the right place :) Upload your log and we'll do some magic ;)

What does this script actually do?
This script will provide you with a summary of the min & max values found in your Freescan log. Be sure to trim any extranious data off the ends that Freescan might have thrown in there, and make sure it's a valid .csv file. The script will also show you a table of your BLM values & spark knock, and if you provide the Volumetric Efficiency table from your chip, it will generate a replacement table that you can import back into GMPCM that should get all your BLM's back to 128 where they should be.

Upload File

Select a Freescan log file to upload.
Be sure this file is a comma seperated (.csv) file in the proper Freescan datalog format.

Optional: Upload a Volumetric Efficiency table CSV from GMPCM to generate a corrected table.
Or select from one of the pre-defined tables

You can upload your VE table, OR select a pre-defined one from the dropdown